Forlight is a LEDS-C4 trademark. The website herein is operated by LEDS-C4 S.A, a Spanish company whose registered address is c/ Afores s/n. 25750 Torà (Lleida) Spain, tax registration (CIF) No. A-59410910 at the Barcelona Company Register under No. 2593/03 Volume 20990, Sheet 16, B5402, Entry No. 17.
LEDS-C4 S.A. states its respect for the fulfilment of the provisions under the Spanish Ley Orgánica (Constitutional Law) 15/1999, of the 13th December for the protection of personal data and its implementing provisions. Hence, regarding our data protection policy, you may voluntarily state whether you wish to provide your personal data to the company.
LEDS-C4 S.A. will handle your personal data, introduced through our webpage, under the strictest confidence. Your personal data will be collected in our company files.
The aim of those files is managing, administrating and delivering the services or products you may request, permitting the fulfilment and execution of the services that may be requested. Our company services will be adapted, and we will be able to offer you new services according to your stated preferences.
LEDS-C4 S.A. shall keep your data personally managed. We shall take the necessary steps to keep it secure by using appropriate electronic and managerial procedures in order to prevent any alteration, loss, data processing or non-authorized access.
Users shall be able to exercise legally acknowledged rights and, in particular, the rights to access, rectify or cancel the data and to oppose, if appropriate, as well as the right to revoke the consent given by providing such data. Such rights can be exercised by users or, where appropriate, by their representative by means of a written, signed application, sent to the following address: LEDS-C4 S.A., Dpto. Atención al Cliente, c/ Afores s/n. 25750 Torà (Lleida) Spain. Your application must contain the following data: user first name and family name, postal address, Personal Identity Card or Passport photocopy, and the exact content of the right being exercised.